
The Great Schlep

My grandson Benjamin visited us in West Palm Beach this weekend. When asked about his sudden urge to visit his grandfather and I, he answered simply with the “Great Schlep”. Puzzled, I questioned Benjamin what this nonsense he was talking of. I know that in Yiddish, “Schlep” means pull. However, I could not make any connection as to why he would travel 1,000 miles from New York City to discuss Yiddish. As Friday approached, my nerves were uncontrollable. I was worried that Ben was in trouble and needed our help. My husband, Norman, was convinced that Benjamin needed money to take care of a legal problem. I had no idea what I was in for.

As soon as my grandson arrived at Golda Rose, our Jewish community, he began to speak of this Sarah Silverman character. I’ve never heard of Sarah but Benjamin seemed to think very highly of her. Apparently, she is a very popular Jewish comedian. According to Ben, this woman has started a movement called the “Great Schlep”. This political plea urges young Jews to travel to Florida to convince their grandparents to vote for Barack Obama. Norman and I have always been Democrats, so Benjamin doesn’t need to convince us there. However, with the election upon us, I was uncertain if I would vote for Mr. Obama. Well, Benjamin presented an impressive argument that has changed our minds!

Ben revealed all the things that young African Americans have in common with Florida grandparents; a connection I never thought existed! Did you know that we both love tracksuits and Cadillac’s? Benjamin said that Barack Obama wants to protect social security AND Israel! If that doesn’t get our vote, I don’t know what will!

It’s clear that Benjamin and the “Great Schlep” just want what’s best for Bubby. I’m going to tell all my friends at the senior center to vote for Barack Obama. I’ll even bribe them with falafel if I need to.

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